Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2011


On last chinese new year celebration (02/02/11), I've got pain in the throat followed with flew and fever. I also have swell on my right neck.  The whole day I was sleeping in my room.  My throat is really pain til I cannot swallow the foods.  On the next day (03/02/11), my BF came and accompany me to clinic (TQ yayang).

The doctor shock when see my swell tonsil (damn big).  Then, she gave me an antibiotic injection (its hurt ok..waaaa) As her advised, this injection will help to reduce the tonsil size and pain.  So, after saw a doctor I try to follow her instruction which drinks lot of plain water and for a while eat porridge and try to finish my medicine.

Finally, on 07/02/11 all medicine finished & my throat become more worst.  Its hard for me to speak & THEY don't even understand what I speak.dowh!!  I try go to government clinic since I already got the injection on private clinic (damn it!!! give back all my money!)  After go there, go here, go there... u know la government kn... and finally I was admitted in the hospital. What?? urrrrr  The Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah specialist's said, my tonsil in sever level which is in Level 4.  My Goodness... I don't know it looks so series. Tehee~  I admitted in the hospital for 4 days (07-10/02/11).

Being in the hospital is not happy k...  Its kinda living at prison.  hahaha~ PLUS boring gilerrrrrrrrr PLUS the nurse garang kot..  What makes me looks different with other patient in my ward is.... I've got ice-cream during my meal.  Tehee~ jeles la tu...ikikikikik. makcik sebelah geram je tgk aku dpt ice-cream :P Doctor said, Ice-cream will help to reduce the tonsil size..  Nyummehhhh  and due to can't swallow foods, doctor advice me to eat sumi..  Sodap2.... =)

During at hospital, I was took 3 times medicine which is 2 antibiotic for 3 times; morning 4am, afternoon 12pm and evening 7pm.  The antibiotic was went through my vein.  For first day, I still can stand the pain but for the subsequently day I can't stand anymore.  My hand is swollen and turns to blue.  Then the doctor take-out the needle and put at the other hand.  Now, both of my hand are swollen.  I was like OKU people since cannot take care of my self.  I can't take a shower and even can't tied my hair. =(

Everyday I'm asking the doctor, "Doctor when can I go home??" with begging face =(   hahaha and finally on 10/02/11 the doctor release me from the prisons..  OO yeahh!!! but with the medical card which I still need to see the doctor for further treatment.  Doctor said, my tonsil now in level 3 but still have infection..  For next treatment on 7/03/11.  If there still have the infection on that day, doctor advice me to do an operation which is cut both my tonsil..  UUUUUUU takot!!  So, from now on I have to take care of my nutrition..  So, for those don't know what the tonsil is??  So, below are some articles I took for internet to share with u..

Setiap manusia mempunyai dua kelenjar dinamakan tonsil yang terletak di bahagian kiri dan kanan rongga mulut (orofarinks) atau bahasa mudahnya pangkal lidah. Ia berfungsi menapis virus dan bakteria daripada memasuki saluran pernafasan, sekali gus menjadikannya satu daripada sistem pertahanan badan.
Namun, tonsil kadangkala gagal melaksanakan fungsinya apabila tidak lagi mampu menahan serangan virus dan bakteria. Akibatnya, tonsil mengalami radang atau inflamasi, membengkak dan boleh mencapai saiz besar sehingga boleh menyempitkan laluan makanan, malah mengganggu pernafasan.

Bagi orang dewasa, radang tonsil bukan saja membabitkan tisu tonsil, tetapi juga bahagian rongga mulut atau orofarinks.Jika dibuat pembedahan pada kanak-kanak, masalah sakit tekak atau demam akibat penyakit berkenaan dapat dikurangkan, malah boleh sembuh sepenuhnya. Bagaimanapun, bagi orang dewasa, tiada jaminan untuk sembuh sepenuhnya.Untuk kes tonsil yang teruk, tonsil membengkak dengan saiz besar sehingga pesakit sukar bernafas. Jika berdepan situasi sebegini, pembedahan dilakukan menggunakan kaedah ‘hot tonsilektomi.

Tanda-tanda tonsil:
1.  sakit tekak yang kadang-kadang teruk
2.  tidak boleh menelan atau sakit ketika menelan
3.  demam yang tinggi
4.  sakit kepala dan sakit badan
5.  suara garau atau hilang suara
6.  kadang-kadang ada bengkak pada leher
7.  mulut berbau busuk
8.  berdengkur semasa tidur

Bagi mengelakkan risiko berlakunya radang tonsil, anda dinasihatkan menjaga kebersihan, terutama tangan. Pastikan tangan benar-benar bersih sebelum memasukkan makanan ke dalam mulut.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Short and Simple

lol = laugh out loud
lmao = laugh my xxx off
rofl = rolling on floor laughing
brb = be right back
afk = away from keyboard
asl = age sex location?
wtf = what the xxxx
ty = thank you
thx = thanks
np = no problem
omg = oh my God
asap = as soon as possible