Showing posts with label Raya Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raya Celebration. Show all posts

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beraya di rumah DD

Actually it a last minute plan to DD's house.  Anas told me late that DD has invited me & Rina to his open house.  So, we are quickly rushing and removed my quetex (afraid of DD's mom saw my manicure).  After done, i drove so fast to DD's house.  Nasib ada papago :) xda la sesat kn..  We get to the destinantion safely.  Amin~

yok makan!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Berhari Raya di Johor


Kami beraya di Johor!!!  OOO yeah!!

Seawal 8pg kami memulakan perjalanan dari Klang to Shah Alam (pick-up Anas n Jagot) then straightly to Johor..  We ride new car (mok's car; Avanza) Yuhooooooo

Our first house is my friend since poly; Wani.  Thanks for the lovely nasi lemak yer..sangat sedap sampai teringat2 ke hari ini sampai lupa nk snap picture.

Then, we shoot to Zam's house.  Makan dengan lahapnya tanpa belas kasihan..huhuhu..  Tq for the SOTO... Its awesome!!  Slurpppp

Here we met Zam (of cz la kn), Azan n Rahman..

nk tu, nk ni..

Our third house is Mok..  Jauh jugak dr rumah Zam to Mok's house.  Sempat gak la tidur.  Nasib xdrive. Huhuhuhu..  Tq mok cz serve we well.

In front of Mok's house

Our last house for today is Apek's house.  Tq for treat us with a lot of food.  Siap ada bekal lg tuh..  Tp FYI Anas yg mkn semua =(

Beraya sampai ke malam.  Kitorang sangat la exhausted nasib la ada driver :P  Perjalanan dr satu rumah ke satu rumah mmg memakan masa yg sangat lama..

Zam said: haaaa baru ko tau Johor tu besar...

Yor la Zam



Friday, September 10, 2010

Hari Raya Ke-2

Normally, on second day of Hari Raya, mak long's family will come to my house to celebrate Aidilfitri.  We are served nasi impit and sambal kerang and for the desert is Bluberry cheese cake which sponsored by Rina Syahira.

"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir dan Batin"

From left: Akis, mak long, along deena, nasywan 

mak long and my cousins

pak long and salman (Salman ni dh besar but I still consider him as a child :p)

Nasywan (sebelum dicakar..tehee)

Nasywan playing with ayah's scooter (baru tuh..)

my lovely dovey Gizmo

kesayangan umi; Gringgot