Thursday, April 14, 2011

Celebrating Rina Birthday

Date: 13/04/11
Venue: Flaming Steamboat, Subang
Attd: Me, Rina Syahira, Mok, Anas, Akil and Jagot

A week before the birthday, I was planned with Mok to celebrate RINA birthday.  We are choose to celebrate her birthday at Flaming because she was really like to eat  Mr. Crabs without looks left and right.  Spooky huh??hehehehe

So, my duty is to make a reservation for 6 peoples.  I was book 2 days early and Al-hamdulillah they still have an empty seats for us.  Actually Rina's birthday on 12/04/11 but because of Mok is bz during that time, so we decided to celebrate it on the next day.  Pity Rina. hehehe

As per Mok planned, we are pretending to forgot the Rina's birthday.  We don't wish her birthday until Rina message me, complaining that we had forgotten her birthday.  Hehehehe  (sorry Rina, ni semua plan mok)  Don't you dare to do that on my birthday k..  Hahahaha

Enjoy the picture yo!

The cakes was bought by Anas

The birthday girl

Ok, dh pasang lilin

Cepat la tiuppppp


Rina, ko dh tua!!!

Jom continue makan!!

I told you she was spooky..


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