Showing posts with label Its only me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Its only me. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2009

penat wooo

erm, lamanya tak update sgt lol...nk tau kenapa??
cz i dh dpt kerja...yeay!!!kat mcd shah alam.sejam rm3 je...cipot kn?xpa la..asalkn dpt duit.yer x???tp penat food kn,org xputus2
ada gak mintak kerja kat cc sec 2 tp xtau lg dpt ke x cz still dlm proses.

mula2 kena ojt(on job training) dulu selama 2 hari.1st day on ojt kena jaga kat dessert corner which is at ice cream.susah gak buat ice cream ni...banyak lak instructor is yan,pakli n sapa tah akak kedah tu..pas2 kena gak jaga cashier kt dessert.serabut gak jaga counter.kena ingat nama2 ice cream.banyak lak tu.pas2 kalo xda orang kat kaunter kita kena bunyikan bell.kat dessert corner tu ada sediakan bell.ala...loceng ice cream tu..kelakar kn?

ala,orang beli ice cream bukan ramai pon..pas2 kalo bosan kita jaga lobby.lobby tu tempat customer makan.lap meja ke,buang makanan diorang n lap tray.lobby kt mcd ni ada 2.satu kat tingkat atas n satu lg kat bawah.normally kalo jaga lobby sorang,agak terkejar2 la.kejap nk g atas,kejap nk g bawah..

on my 2nd day on ojt ada manager baru lak.baru kenal la.hahahaha.badan besar2 n suara agak,kecut perut sikit.bila jaga kat dessert corner kita quite menggelabah la cz ada,kerja jd xteratur la..dia suruh buat tu buat ni.what did u expect 4 my 2nd day training kn?xkn aku dh pandai semua kot..agak2 la,bila dia tgk aku jd cm2 dia suruh aku jaga lobby.ok hal...aku pon buat la kerja dengan penuh berdedikasi n penuh dengan senyuman walaupon PENAT giler wei...bila working hours aku dh hbs (3 pm),so apa lg...makan!!!!

bila makan.all staff kena makan kt staff room kat,bila naik atas aku tgk air melimpah2 kat tong sampah.aku cakap la...mak ai, knp ni??so,ada la budak mcd ni ckp kat aku (meanwhile mcm nk salahkn aku).next time ida, kalo nk buang waste, air jangan buang sekali.air buang dalam sinki.aku cakap la aku mmg xbuang air customer dalam tong sampah.aku buang dlm sinki cz semalam yan dh cakap kat aku.buang semua air dalam sinki.dia mcm tak puas hati la cz dia yg kena wat kn...sbb aku nya kerja dh hbs.masalahnya seriously aku x buang pon dalam tong.aku buang dlm tong sampah.lg pon b4 that aku yang angkat sampah.xda lak melimpah2 air cm2...haaaa cm mana 2?

pas2 bila masok bilik crew budak2 tu cm ngumpat KUAT2,sapa la yg jaga lobby ni..padahal diorang mmg tau aku yg jaga pon.aku senyapkn je la.pas2 aku cakap la.aku yg sorry k,aku buang semua air dlm sinki.diorang cm pandang sinis je la kat aku.yerla,mesti la diorang fikir kalo dh salah sapa nk mengaku kn??erm, lantak la.yg penting mmg aku xbuat.korang ngumpat aku,korang la time,pasang la cctv.tgk sapa yg bodoh buang air dalam tong tu..dh kerja lama kt c2 pon bodoh gak.

Friday, June 19, 2009


hari ni xtau la nk cerita apa...mcm biasa je
g kerja,balik kerja..

cuma,kita umi kita xnk temankn kita mkn...
so,kita ngajuk jap..

tu je la..

Thursday, June 11, 2009


hello there...
besok i start kerja kat selangor human resource development center at sec.13,shah alam as a trainee in plastic and mould designer.seriously,i mmg nk sgt this job bcoz its an opportunity 4 me 2 work in my field.but the problem is,my bf pon ada gak amik program cm ni tp kt kedah la (kismec).he's start register on 01 june.he told me that the elaun xdpt pon tiap2 bulan.somemore,the elaun dapat bln 9 nanti.itu pon bukannya dapat sekali.dia bagi sikit dulu.tu yg xbest dengar tu....

so,cm mana ek?try dulu ke or cari je kerja lain?4 me, i think better g je dulu kot.bsk nk tanya instructor tu mcm2.if ok, i'll continue til finish the program.if x,err err err...will be consider..

hopefully semuanya ok la kn(hehehe nk jugak tu)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

susahnya waaa~

hello again..seriously i don't have any idea to make this blog looks friends iera have gave me some tips to makeover the layout but the blog still looks carca merba..

I've made some observation on others blog but still don't know how to make it like that..urggghhhh tensionnya~

i really need someone who can teach me directly.

someone??anyone??no one??

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Girls Myspace Comments

Hello everyone..My name is Nurul Saadah Binti Abdul Rahim..but u can call me ida or adah..short n simple..I'm a new blogger and Im so excited to begin this blog..ahaks~

How 2 start ek??ooo ok2.Im already finished my study at UTeM in a field of Design Manufacturing Engineering.Soon, I will graduate on 3rd October 2009.Hopefully everything gonna be ok n fine(mintak2 xda la paper yg sangkut:P)

Now I'm living with my family at Klang.I'm just moving here cz b4 this I'm living at Shah Alam.I enjoying so much live here although its quite far from KL(to lepak-lepaking).But neway,its not big deal cz its near with my dearest parents,adiksss and lovely comot-bomot catssss...